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mardi 5 août 2014

What are the files (PAC)?, And how it is used in computer penetration without detection by security software

When browsing the Internet, you are exposed to a wide range of risks that are often designed to get your credit card information, or in some cases to obtain passwords of your accounts in some locations, such as networks of social networking and passwords for your sites personal control panels and other things Al_husasesh.

Of course everyone knows the order of viruses and Trojans that have been designed for this purpose, so we use Alontvers that may protect you from these threats often that you provide updates. But what no one knows that there is a majority of new types of attacks has spread not imagine in 2014 has Atfiedk Alontvers something against it.

The (PAC) or (Proxy Auto-Config) serious attacks to redirect used for the purposes of theft, it also pointed to Microsoft Corp. through a security warnings in February 2014.

PAC file is used to specify proxy servers or direct links on the basis of web addresses that are opened in the browser.
Are redirecting the browser automatically to a fake website looks like the original site, or when you visit Facebook, for example, be referred directly to the site of hackers who seems like Facebook so perfectly that you can not see the difference is not in the link is not in shape but the speed of the conversion shall be very large, so that users can observed, once writing Facebook link and click on the entry will be referred directly.

And supports the PAC files by all modern web browsers so deal with it like other proxy servers in the network settings, and this constitutes a major threat because it is difficult for the protection programs disclosed.

The method of infection are multiple, they may be planted during your installation for a particular program or by a virus, or even can be downloaded to your system without your knowledge during your visit some of the sites unreliable ....

Well, if you understand what are these files and how they work, if we turn to the way Haddvha of the device:

For the browser Google Chrome and Internet Explorer
Use of the program Phrozensoft Auto Config Risk Protector for the Internet Explorer browser and browsers that use the network settings for the Internet Explorer browser such as Google Chrome.
You simply run the program and click on the scan, if it finds the program files PAC you can simply delete it.

In my case I does not have anything thankfully.

As for the Firefox browser we will introduce a handy way to get rid of the automatic redirection in the browser:

Go to the settings and follow this path Options> Advanced> Network> Connections> Settings as shown in the picture, and realized that the "automatic proxy configuration url" non-specific. And thus prevented the file from the PAC Asttiyadk.
Do not forget our participation opinions about this type of fraud attacks.
What are the files (PAC)?, And how it is used in computer penetration without detection by security software
  • Title : What are the files (PAC)?, And how it is used in computer penetration without detection by security software
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  • Date : 10:57
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